Tuesday 8 July 2014

What are some movies you haven't seen that everyone else seems to have?

Everyone has that list of movies they just haven’t seen. You know those classics that when you tell people you haven’t seen them they freak out and look at you like you're some sort of weirdo.

Here my list of classics I haven’t seen

Some rules to layout:
Rule #1 no animation
Rule #2 no movies beyond the 60’s
Rule #3 series count as 1

For most of these I’m pretty ashamed of myself that I haven’t seen them,  I just haven’t gotten around to it (yet).

Pulp fiction

Everyone tell me to watch it. I just haven’t got the time to sit through a Quentin Tarantino movie that is all about words. Sure there are amazing actors attached to the movie (Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta)  but still. Maybe I will though someday because people tend to reference that movie a lot. I just might so i don't look like a fool when they do.

All the Star Wars movie (the original trilogy and the apparently God awful prequels)



 (picture in order of film production not episodes) 
haven't  seen any of the Star Wars movies (ive seen most of the episode for the animated show "Star Wars The Clone Wars" and it really good, you should watch it, even if you are like me with no background knowledge of Star Wars) I don’t know why I have gotten around to watch any of the star wars movies, maybe it the thought of sitting through 6 two hour long movies (even though I can sit through 4 seasons of a show in one sitting) it just doesn’t appeal to me especially seeing as how long ago it was and the CGI would seem out dated in my eyes. i think to me the movies would just seem terrible (my opinion)

Saving Private Ryan

Holy shit! Please don’t hunt me down and kill me. I actually have no reason why I haven’t seen Saving Private Ryan. I even know it good, I just haven’t had time (again) I know it a lame excuse I just haven’t been in the mood to watch a very heavy movie lately (and lately is the only time I've had time to watch movies)

The last two Lord of the Rings and the two Hobbit movies



Again I don’t know why. I just I haven’t been in the mood to watch 4 three hour long movies and I only just watched the first lord go the Rings: the fellowship of the Ring recently (and by recently i mean today) and it felt loooooooonnnnnnnggggggg. It was a great movie, fantastic in fact, just long. Three hours of my life gone in just one movie (actually I think it was 3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Terminator 2, 3 and 4 

video is trailer for Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

I actually have no excuse for this one. I watched the first terminator, its on my list for one of my top 15 favourite movies (a list of another time) I just don’t know if the next three will live up to it or not.

The Pianist

Everyone tell me to watch it. ‘Cant looks boring and I’m not interested’ is usually me answer, no other excuses. Apparently it just like The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas or Schindler's List, maybe one day.


I absolutely HATE horror movies (seriously when it comes to my top 100 movie no horror film is in the list) When anyone ever describes this movie its sounds like pure horror to me so I think I'll pass.


I don’t get it. Everyone says it just like a knights tale (which I love, Heath Ledger my babe!) But I don’t see the appeal through the trailers.

Monty Python and The Holy Grail.

Again just like braveheart I don’t see the appeal in the trailer. Simple.

2001 A Space Odyssey

I don’t even know I single thing about this movie all I know is that it in space and it an odyssey. but i know I should watch it and i will (someday)

Al Pacino movies

This might as well have been a list of it own. I know he's supposed to be a movie god but apart from the godfather movies I haven’t seen a lot of his movie
here the mini list inside a list of Al Pacino classics i haven't seen
  1. Heat

 2. Scent of a woman

 3. Donnie Brasco

4. The devils advocate


Robert De Niro movies

Like Al Pacino I just haven’t had the time to watch Robert De Niro movies either. And just like Pacino, De Niro is a movie legend. Again I haven’t seen a lot by him. Here's another mini list inside of a list of classic De Niro movies I haven't seen.

1.   raging Bull

2.   the taxi driver

3.   goodfellas

4.   1995’s Casino

5.   A Bronx tale

Honorable mention goes to Rocky 1 to whatever number it ends at. Haven’t seen a single one.

What are some movies you haven't seen but everyone else has? Comment and tell me some of your personal shame. 

Sunday 6 July 2014

Best Friends in TV shows

Today I was just thinking about my “friends” at school and how they aren’t really my friends because during summer vacation I just forget about them and they also forget about me, because really we aren’t friends. So I decided to construct a list of my favourite tv friends

Here are the rules: 

Rules #1 limited to only dous, can not be a group of three or more friends
Rule #2 not limited to generas, everything from sitcoms to dramas
Rule #3 same sex to different sex friends
Rule #5 no animations

Heres my list of favourite duos on TV

Will Smith and Carlton Banks

The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

Who doesn’t love Will and Carlton they are opposites and yet one of the greatest duos that was ever on television.  Sure they fought but in the end they were brothers and always had each others backs.

Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson

BBC's Sherlock

Sherlock and his more intellectual inferior partner Dr. Watson is one of my favorite pairs on television (cant wait for season 4!) This pair has fan girls out there “shipping” fictional characters on fan fiction websites. What can I say? They solve crimes together.

Ryan atwood and seth cohen

The O.C

I LOVE RYAN AND SETH! Seriously I would marry both of them in a heart beat. Ryan is the brooding bad boy and Seth is the loner skater boy. Both out casts at The O.C, which brings there friendships even stronger, they are oddly different and the same. LOVE THEM!

Troy Barnes and Abed Nadir


Best bromance ever! Troy desperately wants to be seen as a grown-up and Abed wants to be seen as normal, but together they are anything like grown ups and normal. They come up with crazy hijinks for example a school wide the floor is lava game and a battle between Pillowtown and Blanketsburg. Its almost disturbing how close these two are. Like the study group likes to say troy and abed are boyfriends.

Veronica Mars and Wallace Fennel

Veronica Mars

Of course you’ll become automatic friends with the girl who cut you down from a flagpole that you were duct-taped naked to while everyone stood there laughing at you.  Veronica and Wallace are perfect examples that boys and girls can be friends, best of friends. I want a friend like Wallace!

Lizzie Mcguire and Gordo

Lizzie McGuire

I grew up with old Disney. So shows like "That’s so raven", "Proud family",  "Even Steven" and "Lizzie Mcguire". Hillary duff was my idol for years (not ganna lie she sort of still is because she one of the few Disney stars that didn’t go loco, *cough Shia Labeouf cough*)

For years I searched for the perfect Gordo (I'm still looking) oh well, right? Nothing I can do now?

Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter

Boy Meets World

Duuhhh? Shawn and Cory are one of the best TV pairing ever. They went through life together, they grew up together and I’m sure one day they would die together. They both relied on each other and they always came through for each other even when everyone else didn’t they were there. Their friendship literally brings tears to my eyes sometimes.  

Joey and chandler


The show is called friends. Joey and chandlers friendship is really the star of the show in my opinion. Their friendship was both hilarious and heartwarming. They made it through so much (even Janice).
Turk and J.D
I’m really surprised I like the show scrubs (mi. sorry that I was hesitant about the show its amazing) but what really sold me and that kept me watching the show was Turk and J.D’s friendship. They love each other and sometimes it’s a little weird (I’m a girl that’s why I think it’s odd)

Lane and Rory

Gilmore Girls

Even though the show is centered on the relationship between Rory and her mother but the relationship that cracks me up the most is the relationship between lane and Rory. Like seriously Rory helps lane get away from her to strict parents and have a little fun (the girl has to hide her CDs from her parents because she’s afraid that if they found out they would send her back home).  

Here are some extra clips for u to enjoy from Community 

Friday 4 July 2014

Ten Sitcoms Since 2000

I was really thinking hard, really hard actually. What is going to be my first ever post (official post, I know I already posted before but that doesn’t count, I was welcoming you) on my new blog. Is it going to be me talking about my favourite 90’s action movie (even though I was born in the 90’s), favorite animated movies or my favourite episode ever aired (this one is actually quite profound and maybe I’ll do it one day but not to day). But today I decided to list my top ten (or any number I decide to stop at) favourite sitcoms.

Rule #1 No sitcoms that was before 2000 (I feel like it would be cheating to have the fresh prince, friends and That’s 70’s Show)

Rule #2 No sitcom that I haven’t seen. This is my own personal opinion and I don’t care about the general populations opinion. (seriously I don’t care how much you think the taxi was amazing, I don’t care cause I haven’t seem a single episode, and shut up it was way before the 2000’s)

Rule #3No YouTube/other media. So things that started on Netflix or YouTube don’t count either.

Rule #4  No cartoons. (Sorry Simpsons)

Here’s my list of 10 (or whatever number I decide to quit on) sitcoms I personally loved and why.

      #10 The middle
A family based show, but it's very relatable seeing as how many percentages of people are middle class and going through the same thing 

            #8  Modern family

What can I say? I love a family based show and I love a family that loves each other.

      #9 Episodes
This is an odd choice to put in but I’m really loving this one. I feel like not a lot of people have heard of it. Ok basically here’s my pitch to you. It has Matt Leblanc, (AKA joey from friends) you’re welcome.

     #7 The big bang theory

an obvious choice but duuhhh? Who doesn’t love the big bang?
No one that who!

         #6  Cougar town

An odd choice but I really believe that cougar town is hilarious and some times quite lovely but this can be said for most of the shows on this list

     #5 The Inbetweeners

A weird choice, I know. But my taste is fabulous so trust me on this one. Each season has I think 6 episodes (it British), so if u are looking for a fun watch to waste a whole day The Inbetweeners is perfect for you. You will love the characters and you will piss yourself laughing. One on the best written one on this list. I beg of you do not watch the American version (or do, you’re are a free person, you can do whatever you want). The American version was a disgrace to television.

       #4 Arrested development

Dysfunctional family. What else can I say?

             #3 Parks and recreation
One of the best TV shows ever made.

       #2 How I met your mother.

9 seasons of awe, wait for it, some. Awesome. And cause Barney Rules and I kind of want a blue French horn (I’m selfish I know, there are people out there in the world starving).

               #1 Community.

Hopefully you’ll stick around and get to know me more and when you do u will realize that community is one of my out right favourite show of all time. The written is critically acclaimed and deserves every praise ever given to. The characters are character gold mine (no one can hate Abed! Ever its physically impossible!) (my opinion I don’t know if that has been scientifically proven or not)I would advice you to watch community, if you haven’t seen it yet. One of the best shows out there.